Sunday, June 6, 2010

You Have Me

As I was driving home from work the other day, I had a new CD playing.  My sister let me borrow it.  Gungor, Beautiful Things.  It's different and I LOVE that.  I'm a fan of being unique and different, and I think that's why I love this CD so much! 

Anyway, song 5, You Have Me, was playing.  My heart was so full and so overwhelmed with joy.  Listening to the beautiful music and lyrics to this song, teary eyed, thankful that God is ALWAYS there, ALWAYS faithful, ALWAYS good, no matter what circumstances look like.

 As I was driving along, I looked up.  {Do you realize how many times we probably miss blessings in our lives because we don't look up?!}  Well, I looked up and saw three birds flying around in the air in one spot.  It was different, though.  When I saw them, I felt like they were performing a song just for me.  They were there for me to see.  Nobody else.  The song that was playing, along with the way the birds were slowly dancing, slowly swaying, slowly gliding, slowly intertwining with each was magical.  I don't know another word to describe it.  It was one of those moments in life that I can say I was TRULY CAPTIVATED.

              (While out and about in Destin, FL, on our recent vacation, I looked up and spotted these lovlies!)

It was beautiful.  My heart is happy and I can still see those birds putting on a show for me while listening to this song.......

You Have Me
out on the farthest edge
there in the silence
you were there

My faith was torn to shreds
heart in the balance
but you were there

always faithful
always good
you have still have my
you still have my heart

I thought I had seen the end
everything broken
but you were there

I've wandered heaven's gates
I've made my bed in hell
You were there still

You have me
You have my heart completely


Anonymous said...

What a sweet moment. Beautiful words.

LeeAnn@Encouragement Is Contagious said...

Janet, I am so happy to meet you! Thank you so much for visiting my blog and putting your sweet little face under my follower button!

When I popped over to meet you and saw your blog header, I was in awe! I love your header so much. Have A Daisy is my new Etsy store name, so your daisy on the black background just had me at Ahhhhh! I am going to follow you also. I cannot wait to listen to the song you mentioned in your post. The words are beautiful.

Can't wait to get to know you better.
Lee Ann

Anonymous said...

Hi Janet. A mutual friend- Dale D. told me about your blog because we share a love of photography. Nice to meet you! Pam AKA PAMO (from Knoxville)

LeeAnn@Encouragement Is Contagious said...

I just listened to that song and LOVED it and his voice! I like Beautiful Things on that album also. Thank you for sharing this info and the song with us.

Lee Ann

LeeAnn@Encouragement Is Contagious said...

oops I forgot to answer your question from the email you sent me. I am in the process of making things for my Etsy store. If you go to it will take you directly to my etsy store. All you will see is my store name and banner for now, but soon I will announce the opening. Thanks for asking Janet!

Lee Ann