Sunday, November 14, 2010


my heart is overwhelmed with goodness and gratefulness and thankfulness.
words can't describe what i've been feeling inside.
i've had the opportunity to be in the company of some amazing, AMAZING people recently.
being in the presence of these amazing souls has been a humbling experience for me.

one particular experience was with a small group of friends.
one of those people i had just met that day.
we started talking about one thing, which led to another, which led to conversations of God.
it was very intimate and eye opening and personal.

during our time together, the "new person", had some specific words.
i'll just call them 'words of wisdom'.
the words we heard were words of freedom in SO MANY ways!!!
after the words were spoken, we listened to a song while we journaled.
after the song was over, we were given the opportunity to share what we journaled about.

i'm not one for easily sharing my heart in front of a group of people.
the only reason for this is because i usually start crying.
if it's something 'deep' and personal, i prefer to cry while i WRITE.
this particular day, i shared my heart....through a few tears.
i was stronger than i thought i was that day.

i read a few thoughts i had written down and then i read
the lyrics to this song we listened to (the first time i've ever heard this song).
it speaks to me in a million ways every time i hear it.
if there was a song that describes my heart,

Free by Isa Couvertier

i'm so tired of living a lie
of picking up the pieces
the pieces of my life
of my life, of my life

im finding out
that i'm the one
who thinks i've got it
figured out
i'm finding out
that i'm running fast
and going nowhere
i'm going nowhere

and i played the fool
i played the mystery
at knowing who i am
at knowing who i am

i played the fool
i played the mystery
at knowing who i am
at knowing who i am

i want to be free

i'm finding out that i'm the one
who thinks i've got it
figured out
i'm finding out
that i'm running fast
and going nowhere
i'm going nowhere.

and i played the fool
i played the mystery
at knowing who i am
at knowing who i am
i played the fool
i played the mystery
at knowing who i am
at knowing who i am

i wanna be FREE
i wanna be ME
i wanna be ALL
i wanna be FREE
i wanna be ME
i wanna be ALL

i wanna RUN
i wanna FLY
to be the one that REACHES HIGH
i wanna RUN
i wanna FLY
to be the one that REACHES HIGH

i wanna be free...

help me be free
help me be me
help me be all that i'm meant to be.

*If you want to download it, you can find it at Amazon.
the song is from - Isa & Nina : Live at First Steps to Success (song #2)

i hope that you'll walk in freedom this week.
BE ALL that you're meant to be!!!!!!!!!



Bonita Rose said...

so so happy that u had such a precious time, when u make those kinds of connections.. they are worth more than anything... I"m so so happy for you! Love the lyrics.. xoxox HUGS TO YOU.. thks for sharing part of you with all of us.. I can't wait to see u again.. maybe at a BGC.. who knows?? I'd love love to spend more time with you... u know why??
Because u matter.
U matter to me. xoxoox

chrissy said...

i love the words to this song sweet girl. Thanks so much for sharing it!

JANET! said...

you are BOTH SUCH TREASURES!!!!!!!! muah!