Tuesday, June 15, 2010


It seems there normally comes a time in life when you just get fed up with things.  You have a light bulb go off that makes you realize you're not the person that you used to be.  You may have had it ALL together at one time, but little by little, so subtly, that started to fade.  Before you knew it, you've let things or people inside your, once beautiful, home.  They've come in and trashed it and now it's just a cold, nasty, old, trashed out house.  This happened without you even realizing it.

It's time to RENOVATE!  Get rid of the nastiness, the dirt, the junk and the grime that has consumed your house!  Make it your HOME again!!!

The first step is closing that front door.

Then, it's time to change the locks on those doors, change those grimy handles, replace that worn out frame.  Let everyone know that your home is going to be a safe place, a place of refuge.

This is the most difficult part:  you have to hang up that CLOSED sign.  Turn off the lights.  Don't worry, it's just temporary.  It's time to work on YOU.  Get your self-esteem back, your value back, rekindle your most precious relationships, and get that gorgeous smile back on that beautiful face!!!!!  Read some inspirational books, do a study, read your Bible (Proverbs is a GREAT book with SO MUCH wisdom!).  Dig deep.

Keep that sign on that front door.  If anyone knocks, it's okay to check to see who it is.  Only let in those people who are safe; those people who are going to encourage you, inspire you, cheer you on, stand up for you, love you, and those who will not steal your dreams.

You shouldn't feel guilt for keeping that sign on the door as long as needed .  It's YOUR house.  YOU have the key.   YOU have control over who you let in.  YOU decide how quickly or slowly the renovations take place.

When the time is right, all of the renovations will be complete.  You'll KNOW when it's time to gently open that door again.  Everyone will be able to see that light in your eyes again.  They will be able to see that new beauty radiating.  The view inside that front door will be breathtaking.  You'll be able to share your renovation story with everyone who knocks on your front door.  Pour them a glass of lemonade, sit out on that front porch and share that story.

It's your newly renovated property.  YOU decide who comes in, and YOU decide who stays on that front porch.

Enjoy life again!!!!!!


Chelsea said...

Love this post! You are one phenomenal lady! Happy renovating!

LeeAnn@Encouragement Is Contagious said...

Janet this is a WONDERFUL post! Wow girl, you are one very talented writer. I loved how you compared our inside heart to the house that needs examined and remodeled inside. I think you could send this to a christian magazine and sell it. So inspiring!

Lee Ann

Farmgirl Paints said...

Oh girl I hear ya. Every now and then it just needs to be done. What a great analogy:)

Thank you so much for the comment on my blog the other day. It about made my head pop off. Thank you for blessing me with your words!

Anonymous said...

Oh! Where has all the music gone.

Just a hint have any ideas?