On BLACK Friday we were planning on getting an earlier start to the day, but we ended up sleeping in longer than we anticipated. No problem, though, we had no appointments, we were just taking the day as it came. Our first stop of the day was to get gas. It was nice to see the prices this low, and EVEN more nice to fill our vehicle up for under $30.00!!!!!

Our next stop, which I was dreading, was....

Let me add that I was only dreading going here b/c of the crowds. I was pleasantly surprised, though. The crowds must have been there when they first opened b/c it was not that busy. I did say I was not going shopping on Black Friday, but I didn't say I would would never go. haha. I wasn't planning on it, I promise, but we forgot to get a tree stand Wednesday night when we went running around. We HAD to get one since were were getting a real tree this year. (And we snagged some great deals on some movies while we were here too!)
After Target, we stopped and grabbed a bite to eat. We were planning on going to Cracker Barrel, but we didn't really feel like going once we woke up. I should add that by the time we actually were going to eat breakfast, it was almost lunch......AND, the nice people here cooked some fresh chicken tenders for me, since they weren't serving them yet. Our brunch was great.

We had so much fun here, walking through the farm looking for OUR PERFECT tree! We got to pick WHATEVER tree we wanted. We also got to cut it down ourselves, too! (how cool is that?!!) These are just a couple of the pictures we took. The pictures show only a small portion of the tree farm. The owners were super nice and we were sad to find out that this is the last year for the tree farm! The city bought the land and the owners are singing "sweet retirement". We will be finding another tree farm, unfortunately.

They had apple cider, hot chocolate and some sweets to finish the experience. Needless to say, based on the temperature Friday, we didn't need anything warm to drink.....

Next stop, back home to set up the tree.

We quickly realized that if we were going to decorate, we needed a few more things. We found most of them at Target (again), but had to add another stop to our list for the day.

While we were out having a great time, we had to add just ONE more stop to the day. Nothing like some sweet tea with lemon, yummy chilli nachos (no black olives), and a french dip.

I must admit, when we got home from all of the running around, we were exhausted! We just relaxed for the rest of the evening. We were going to put the decorations and lights on the tree Saturday night, but we didn't feel like it. We DID end up decorating the tree Sunday evening, the perfect night for staying in. It was pouring rain, we saw a few flashes of lighting and even heard a couple rumbles of thunder, but we were warm and cozy inside.
With the WONDERFUL aroma of the Christmas tree, we put on some of our Christmas cd's and decorated the tree. In between hanging some decorations, a little slow dance was snuck in there. So sweet and romantic, isn't it?! Speaking of slow dances, FIFTEEN years ago, we had just finished decorating the tree at Mike's apartment, and while we were slow dancing, he got down on one knee and proposed to me!!!! We've been married for fourteen years, already! Not only do we STILL love each other, but we still LIKE each other and enjoy each others company!
Anyway, this is the finished product.

I'm going to be posting MORE Christmas tree pics later, but for now, this is it. I'm going to be doing a special blog about our tree. I know it sounds silly, but, trust me, it's going to be a good one! ;)
Your tree is so pretty.
We will still use our "vintage" aluminum one again this year, but will have a real one for baby's first Christmas next year.
I went to Wal-Mart the day after Thanksgiving to look at baby bedding. I got there a little after 10 (the only one store who had it was in Clinton, TN) and I got a pretty close space.
I was the only one in the baby section at that time & got checked out very quickly , probably quicker than a normal day.
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