Our Thanksgiving was nice. We went to Jennifer's (one of my sisters) house this year. We had the traditional Turkey dinner with all of the "fixin's". EVERYTHING was yummy! I attempted the Cracker Barrel Hashbrown Casserole, which actually ended up being VERY tasty. I was going to make 2 homemade apple pies, but to my dismay, ALL of the green apples were bruised and nasty looking yesterday. Yes, I did, however, wait until the last minute to pick up all of the supplies, so it was my fault. In a (shhhhh.) secretive kind of way, I'm glad I couldn't find any good green apples....I didn't want to make the apple pies, anyway. I'll make them for Christmas. ;)
When we got to my sister's, I saw that my mom wasn't there. Dad said she wasn't feeling well, so she stayed home. It was sad. He said she got ready and everything, but before they were getting ready to leave, she wasn't feeling good. It was pretty weird not having her there. She's not in the greatest health and I understand why she wasn't there, but it's ALWAYS nice to have the WHOLE family together.
How many of you are going out shopping tomorrow on Black Friday?? I will let everyone know that I will NOT be one of the people you will see tomorrow. I think people that DO go shopping on BF are crazy! This is actually the first time in SEVENTEEN years that I have NOT had to work on the Friday after Thanksgiving (thanks to retail). I finally have the opportunity to go shopping tomorrow, but NO THANKS. I would rather pay 20.00-30.00 more for an item than being stuck in the middle of congested shopping areas, being pushed around, feeling claustrophobic, and vying for parking places.
Also, I need to confess something. The company that I used to work for was open today. On Thanksgiving. Mike and I ran out to see if we could find a tree stand from, of all places, Walmart (a place I do NOT enjoy going to). On our way there, we passed by a retail store for my "previous company". There were MAYBE ten cars in the parking lot. Can I tell you how HAPPY I was to see SO FEW cars in their parking lot?!!??? That sounds awful, doesn't it?? I still have friends who work for the company and I should want the company to succeed, but I don't. I'm so thankful I was laid off from that insane place. They are so greedy. They think being open on Thanksgiving will give them an upper hand in sales.....I think their #'s from today will prove themselves WRONG. ;)
Now, onto what I was ORIGINALLY going to talk about. Our Christmas cards for this year. I was planning on trying to work on those tonight. I still MIGHT, I haven't made up my mind yet. I'm just having a really hard time trying to think of a design. The only thing I am 100% sure of is the color scheme I'm using this year. I'm really excited about the colors, but I seem to be having "designers block" right now. Boo hoo.
I made the COOLEST cards a couple of years ago. Below are a couple of pictures.

I hope everyone had a nice day today, and I hope everyone has a festive and blessed Christmas season.
Hey Janet...friend of Mike's from high school...love, love, love the Christmas cards!! Creative and witty...
Awww, thanks Loretta! :)
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