Sunday, April 18, 2010

THAT'S gonna leave a mark!!!

So, we were treated out to dinner Saturday night.  To a nice restaurant on the lake.  Reservations were made, requesting a prime spot on the patio since it was such a beautiful evening.  We were looking forward to it since we had never been there before. 

The place was PACKED!!!  Even though our name was on the list, we still had to get a little buzzer.  Not knowing how long our wait was going to be, the 6 of us decided to have a seat just past the patio.  That meant walking through the jam packed patio!  Jam packed, meaning, there were probably 20 tables with at least 5-6 people at each table.

Enter the 6 of us.  2 of the girls in front of me, 3 of the guys behind me (my husband at the very back of the line).

The patio was the shiny concrete = SLICK.  I'm sure you can figure out where this is going.

My feet started wobbling (and as I'm telling this, imagine the sound you hear when The Flinstones start driving their cars) and I think I'm going to lose it.  Somehow, I played the wobbling off, thinking I was safe for a mere second.  Nope, make that MILLI-second.  I had my new camera bag on my arm with my new-ish camera in the bag....keeping that in my conscious mind....if I drop it, it SHOULD be safe, but I'd rather not test it out.
         (By the way, aren't these sandals so cute?! and so spring-y!!!) went a little something like this........... 
wobble wobble wobble! oh no! grasp for that empty chair! push it into the empty table for 2! wobble wobble!  oh well, that chair didn't help much, it's laying on its side now!  OH SCHNIKEEeeeeeeS!!! EVERYBODY sees me!! don't fall!  don't fall!  please don't let me fall!  please don't let me fall!  skid.  skid.  skid.  watch out for that stone column RIGHT in front of me!!!!  women getting up out of their chairs, running over to try to block the column because they see what's coming!  gasps from the crowd!!  which way do I go?!  which way do I go?!  don't drop your bag!  your camera is in there!!!  don't drop your bag!!   BAM!  OUUUUUCCCCCCCHHHHHHH!!!!!  THAT'S GONNA LEAVE A MARK!!!!   EVERYONE was silent!!  Everyone!!!!

The ladies started asking questions.  "Are you okay, honey?!"  "Are you hurt?!!"  "Ohhhhhhhh, sweetie, what can I do????"    

Laughter starts rolling out of me.  Embarrassed.  Trying to play this off, which literally CANNOT be played off.  Everyone saw it.  PRAYING there was NOBODY I knew sitting on that patio!!!!  I stood up, tried gathering my composure.....what was left.......through my laughter.  "I'm fine.  I'm okay, thank you."

We made it to our table (on ANOTHER patio on the other side of the restaurant, thank goodness) and were chatting about the happenings.  One of the guys with our party, walking directly behind me, said he saw it coming, but since he was behind me, the only thing he could think of to do was to grab my rear, and, well, that wouldn't have helped.  haha  My husband was at the very back of the line......he didn't even know I was the one who fell, until I stood up.  He told me I should have stood up, straightened up my shirt, and said, "I was supposed to do that."  So funny!!  More good news - the guys behind me said I didn't drop my Epiphanie camera bag!!!   HAHAHA.  I didn't drop my was safe and cozy!  HOW in the world is that even possible??!!!   

I was thinking about it, and I'm a jokester.  A SERIOUS jokester.  I laugh at just about anything.  I think it's hysterical when people fall......that obviously includes when it happens to myself.  If I saw myself fall on that patio, I would have laughed.  THANK YOU to the people on the patio for NOT laughing at me and for offering as much help as you could.  Good news - I did NOT hit my face on the column, thank you God!!!!
I've never had anything embarrassing happen to me, ever.  Really.  THIS, my friends, was THE most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me.  EVER.  And, I'm here to say, that I laughed through it!  That's the ONLY thing that kept me from crying.  What isn't funny is my swollen knee. The picture does not do the damage justice.....and I didn't feel like getting "that perfect shot" to prove it.  :)

I hope this made you made me laugh again, recalling everything.  This really happened.  And my knee is REALLY REALLY sore!!!  So are my back and shoulders....probably from showing off my push-up sorta moves.....

I hope everyone else had an accident free Saturday night. 

Monday, April 5, 2010

Toss it in!!!!

I posted this on my photo blog today and thought I'd share it here, also! 
It was not my intention for this to be my picture of the day, but I feel like it needs to be. I'm listening to that small voice inside.

Do you have junk in your life that is keeping you down in the dumps? What about a bad habit that you want to kick? Maybe it's a light-as-a-feather bit of anger that keeps getting heavier? That tiny insecurity that keeps growing by the second? Maybe it's a slight bit of jealousy? What about that worry that is consuming your every thought?

Whatever it is, dump it in the bucket. Get rid of it. Toss it in there and give it to the One who is in control. You may not always feel His presence. You may not think He hears your faintest whisper. You may not realize he is catching each and every tear.

Understand one thing, my sweet, wonderful, beautiful, caring, honest, hilarious, artistic friends. No matter what you have done or where you have been..........He, the Master of the entire Universe, is not mad at you, He's mad ABOUT YOU!!!!!

I'm trusting you are going to have a fabUlous week!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Strong foundation!

We went out exploring today, on this Easter Sunday.  It was a beautiful, beautiful day.  We passed by a church with this in the front yard and I had to get a picture.  As I was resizing and doing a little editing, a few things were brought to mind.
As Christ Followers, we should keep some things in mind on a daily basis. 

 Each experience in our lives are stepping stones.
We should be diligent in climbing up to the next step to be closer to Him.
Remember that He is the vine, we are the branches (if we're from the same tree, others should see Him in us).
Our foundations should be strong and be built on the rock.
We are supposed to carry His light to the world, for HE IS RISEN!!!!!

I hope you all have had a wonderful weekend and spent some time reflecting on what this weekend is really about.

Janet!  :)